Polaroid / Haiku
by Jukka Siikala & Steve Finbow

In this ground-breaking work, Jukka Siikala and Steve Finbow explore the intersection of photography and poetry. Using polaroids and haiku, they create moments captured in convulsive membranes of word and light. These bicameral artistic interchanges encapsulate the subversive and experimental interrelationship of two artforms. Freezing instances in the restless and relentless melt of time and space, Siikala and Finbow portray the ungraspable and porous states of memory and experience and highlight the vibrations and transferences between object and image. Like dreams and nightmares, their work embodies the art of uncanny displacement and metaphoric condensation
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About the authors
Steve Finbow’s work includes Allen Ginsberg: Critical Lives, Grave Desire, Notes from the Sick Room, Death Mort Tod: A European Book of the Dead, and The Mindshaft.
Jukka Siikala is a Finnish multimedia artist whose work has been displayed all around the world. Siikala began his career in the early 1990s, by producing a series of zines which contained a mix of collages and drawings, as well as designing album artworks for extreme metal music acts. By the early 2000s, he developed a burgeoning interest in X-rated, pornographic internet imagery - as is manifested in his highly accomplished oil paintings and extreme video work. Recently he has returned to zines with two issues of Seksnobyl magazine, with emphasis on polaroid photos and written material.
His published works include the video pieces Oksu and Human Porridge, as well as the acclaimed art and photo books Anti-social Realism, Roman Shower, Rubber & Blood, Ecstatic Nausea, Photos from Japan and a novelette Spaniels. He lives and works in Helsinki, Finland.